Failure Event - USA, CA, San Diego - 15 May 2024

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Event DetailsSMW-Info-button.png
Location: USA, CA, San Diego
Capacity (MW): 250
Capacity (MWh): 250
Battery Module: LG Chem
Integrator: LS Power, NEC Energy Solutions
Application: Energy shifting
Enclosure Type: Indoor
Event Date: 15 May 2024
System Age (yr): 3.7
Extent of Damage:
State During Accident:
Description: The Gateway Energy Storage Facility was involved in a fire, and water was pumped into the building's fire suppression system to extinguish it. A 600-foot safety barrier was maintained for over 22 hours due to air monitors showing high levels of hydrogen. A drone and unmanned robot were been used to monitor the fire, measure air quality and take temperature readings, and firefighters opened the building once heat was no longer detected. A shelter in place order and an evacuation warning were sent out as a precaution. The fire was declared extinguished the next day, but reignited several times until the fire department left the scene nearly 17 days later.
Root Cause:
Failed Element:
Source: The San Diego Union-Tribune
Additional Resources: [ Greentech Media
The San Diego Tribune: Reignition
The San Diego Tribune: Incident Summary]
Note: Missing values in this table reflect unknowns.

If you have any details or corrections you would like to contribute to the database please reach out to our Storage Safety email.