DER VET User Guide/Inputs/Timeseries File

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Timeseries Inputs

This section describes the timeseries input file.


Column Header Description
Datetime (he) This column provides time stamps for the rest of the data. This should be formatted as a yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss string. (e.g. "2021-01-25 15:00:00" would be January 25, 2021 at 3pm

Note: sometimes Excel or other editors will change the format of timestamps according to your settings. Please ensure these are formatted as described above to avoid errors.

These are timestep-ending timestamps, meaning that the time 02:00:00 represents the time step that ends at 2am. If the time step is 1 hour, then this would represent the interval starting a 1am and ending at 2am.

The amount these timestamps increment from row to row should match the time step input parameter. If the time step is 0.25 (15 minutes), then the first few time stamps might look like ("2022-01-01 00:15:00", "2022-01-01 00:30:00", "2022-01-01 00:45:00", "2022-01-01 01:00:00").

The number of time stamps should be equal to the number of hours in a year (8760 for non-leap years and 8784 for leap years) divided by dt for each optimization year. Subsequent opt_years should be appended to the bottom of the file.

PV Generation

Column Header Description
PV Gen (kW/rated kW)/ID (ID should be replaced by the ID in the model parameters sheet of the corresponding PV inputs. There can be multiple copies of this column PV Gen (kW/rated kW)/1, PV Gen (kW/rated kW)/2, etc.) This column provides solar PV (or wind) generation data in units of kW/ kw_rated. In most cases, this should take a value between 0 and 1. If the (AC) rated power capacity of a solar system is 100 MW and the PV Gen (kW/rated kW) = 1, then it will be generating 100 MW at that time.

ElectrolyzerSystem Schedule

Column Header Description
ElectrolyzerSystem Schedule (kW)/ID (ID should be replaced by the ID in the model parameters sheet of the corresponding ElectrolyzerSystem inputs. There can be multiple copies of this column ElectrolyzerSystem Schedule (kW)/1, ElectrolyzerSystem Schedule (kW)/2, etc.) This column provides ElectrolyzerSystem Scheduling data in units of kW. This column is only used with an active ElectrolyzerSystem that has its hydrogen_schedule_mode value set to 1 (for applying a fixed schedule).

System Load

Column Header Description
System Load (kW) This column provides the system load in kW, which is used to approximate the timing of Resource Adequacy and Demand Response events.

EV Fleet Charging

Column Header Description
EV fleet/ID (ID should be replaced by the ID in the model parameters sheet of the corresponding EV inputs. There can be multiple copies of this column EV fleet/1, EV fleet/2, etc.) This column represents the baseline charging load in kW presented by a charging plaza where many vehicles charge. DERs and controlled EV charging will modify this load. This is used by the electric vehicle 2 (fleet) technology when it is active.

Site Load

Column Header Description
Site Load (kW) This column represents the baseline electric demand of the site without any DERs.

Combined Regulation Price

Column Header Description
FR Price ($/kW) This column represents the price of regulationin a combined market (regulation up and regulation down are offered together). This will be ignored if the FR Combined parameter is set to 0.

Regulation Up Price

Column Header Description
Reg Up Price ($/kW) This column represents the price of regulation up in a separated regulation market (regulation up is offered separately from regulation down). This will be ignored if the FR Combined parameter is set to 1.

Regulation Down Price

Column Header Description
Reg Down Price ($/kW) This column represents the price of regulation down in a separated regulation market (regulation up is offered separately from regulation down). This will be ignored if the FR Combined parameter is set to 1.

Day Ahead Market Energy Price

Column Header Description
DA Price ($/kWh) This column represents the price of energy in the day ahead energy market. (This can be substituted with real time energy prices in some cases) These prices are used for all energy transfers when the DA service is active.

Load Following Price

Column Header Description
LF Price ($/kW) This column represents the value of the load following service when the combined flat is 1.

Load Following Energy Throughput (up)

Column Header Description
LF Energy Option Up (kWh/kW-hr) This column represents the amount of energy that will be required over an hour for participating in 1 kW of the load following service in the up direction (either reduce charging power or increase discharging power/generation power).

Load Following Energy Throughput (down)

Column Header Description
LF Energy Option Down (kWh/kW-hr) This column represents the amount of energy that will be required over an hour for participating in 1 kW of the load following service in the down direction (either increase charging power or decrease discharging power/generation power).

Deferral Load

Column Header Description
Deferral Load (kW) This column represents the load drawn by the rest of the distribution system (exclusive of the site load or any other power flows behind the POI). This is used by the deferral service to constrain the amount of power exported from/imported to the site to maintain power flows in the overloaded asset within bounds.

Non-Spinning Reserves Price

Column Header Description
NSR Price ($/kW) This column represents price of non-spinning reserves, used when the service is active.

Spinning Reserves Price

Column Header Description
SR Price ($/kW) This column represents price of spinning reserves, used when the service is active.

Resource Adequacy Active Timesteps

Column Header Description
RA Active (y/n) This column collects a binary (0 or 1) input indicating whether or not the time step should be considered for the Resource Adequacy service. If the value is 0, this time step will never be part of a RA event, even if the system load peaks there.

Maximum Export Power

Column Header Description
POI: Export Max (kW) This column collects the maximum power that can flow from the POI to the rest of the grid. These values should be in the set [0, +inf).

These constraints are only applied when the user-defined service is active.

Maximum Stored Energy

Column Header Description
Aggregate Energy Max (kWh) This column sets the maximum stored energy in all of the storage systems being modeled.

These constraints are only applied when the user-defined service is active.

Minimum Stored Energy

Column Header Description
Aggregate Energy Min (kWh) This column sets the minimum stored energy in all of the storage systems being modeled.

These constraints are only applied when the user-defined service is active.

Critical Load

Column Header Description
Critical Load (kW) The critical load is the component of the site load that is backed up by the reliability service. It can be greater than the site load (in cases like an emergency shelter where load increases during grid outages), but is often much less, representing only those loads which are necessary to back up.

Minimum Battery Charge Power

Column Header Description
Battery: Charge Min (kW)/ID (ID should be replaced by the ID in the model parameters sheet of the corresponding battery inputs. There can be multiple copies of this column Battery: Charge Min (kW)/1, Battery: Charge Min (kW)/2, etc.) When the incl_ts_charge_limits input parameter for energy storage systems is 1, this will constrain the storage system to charge at or above this level.

Maximum Battery Charge Power

Column Header Description
Battery: Charge Max (kW)/ID (ID should be replaced by the ID in the model parameters sheet of the corresponding battery inputs. There can be multiple copies of this column Battery: Charge Max (kW)/1, Battery: Charge Max (kW)/2, etc.) When the incl_ts_charge_limits input parameter for energy storage systems is 1, this will constrain the storage system to charge at or below this level.

Maximum Battery State of Energy

Column Header Description
Battery: Energy Max (kWh)/ID (ID should be replaced by the ID in the model parameters sheet of the corresponding battery inputs. There can be multiple copies of this column Battery: Energy Max (kWh)/1, Battery: Energy Max (kWh)/2, etc.) When the incl_ts_energy_limits input parameter for energy storage systems is 1, this will constrain the storage system to maintain a state of energy at or below this level.

Minimum Battery State of Energy

Column Header Description
Battery: Energy Min (kWh)/ID (ID should be replaced by the ID in the model parameters sheet of the corresponding battery inputs. There can be multiple copies of this column Battery: Energy Min (kWh)/1, Battery: Energy Min (kWh)/2, etc.) When the incl_ts_energy_limits input parameter for energy storage systems is 1, this will constrain the storage system to maintain a state of energy at or above this level.

Minimum Battery Discharge Power

Column Header Description
Battery: Discharge Min (kW)/ID (ID should be replaced by the ID in the model parameters sheet of the corresponding battery inputs. There can be multiple copies of this column Battery: Discharge Min (kW)/1, Battery: Discharge Min (kW)/2, etc.) When the incl_ts_discharge_limits input parameter for energy storage systems is 1, this will constrain the storage system to discharge at or above this level.

Maximum Battery Discharge Power

Column Header Description
Battery: Discharge Max(kW)/ID (ID should be replaced by the ID in the model parameters sheet of the corresponding battery inputs. There can be multiple copies of this column Battery: Discharge Max(kW)/1, Battery: Discharge Max(kW)/2, etc.) When the incl_ts_discharge_limits input parameter for energy storage systems is 1, this will constrain the storage system to discharge at or below this level.

Maximum Regulation Up

Column Header Description
FR Reg Up Max (kW) When the u_ts_constraints input parameter for the Frequency Regulation service is 1, this will constrain the DERs to provide at most this quantity of regulation up.

Minimum Regulation Up

Column Header Description
FR Reg Up Min(kW) When the u_ts_constraints input parameter for the Frequency Regulation service is 1, this will constrain the DERs to provide at least this quantity of regulation up.

Maximum Regulation Down

Column Header Description
FR Reg Down Max (kW) When the d_ts_constraints input parameter for the Frequency Regulation service is 1, this will constrain the DERs to provide at most this quantity of regulation down.

Minimum Regulation Down

Column Header Description
FR Reg Down Min(kW) When the d_ts_constraints input parameter for the Frequency Regulation service is 1, this will constrain the DERs to provide at least this quantity of regulation down.

Maximum Spinning Reserves

Column Header Description
SR Max (kW) When the ts_constraints input parameter for the spinning reserves service is 1, this will constrain the DERs to provide at most this quantity of spinning reserves.

Minimum Spinning Reserves

Column Header Description
SR Min (kW) When the ts_constraints input parameter for the spinning reserves service is 1, this will constrain the DERs to provide at least this quantity of spinning reserves.

Maximum Non-Spinning Reserves

Column Header Description
NSR Max (kW) When the ts_constraints input parameter for the non-spinning reserves service is 1, this will constrain the DERs to provide at most this quantity of non-spinning reserves.

Minimum Non-Spinning Reserves

Column Header Description
NSR Min(kW) When the ts_constraints input parameter for the non-spinning reserves service is 1, this will constrain the DERs to provide at least this quantity of non-spinning reserves.

Maximum Load Following Up

Column Header Description
LF Up Max (kW) When the u_ts_constraints input parameter for the load following service is 1, this will constrain the DERs to provide at most this quantity of load following in the up direction.

Minimum Load Following Up

Column Header Description
LF Up Min (kW) When the u_ts_constraints input parameter for the load following service is 1, this will constrain the DERs to provide at least this quantity of load following in the up direction.

Maximum Load Following Down

Column Header Description
LF Down Max (kW) When the d_ts_constraints input parameter for the load following service is 1, this will constrain the DERs to provide at most this quantity of load following in the down direction.

Minimum Load Following Down

Column Header Description
LF Down Min(kW) When the d_ts_constraints input parameter for the load following service is 1, this will constrain the DERs to provide at least this quantity of load following in the down direction.

Load Following Down Price

Column Header Description
LF Down Price ($/kW) This column represents the value of providing load following in the down direction when not combined with load following up.

Load Following Up Price

Column Header Description
LF Up Price ($/kW) This column represents the value of providing load following in the updirection when not combined with load following down.

Site Steam Thermal Load

Column Header Description
Site Steam Thermal Load (MMBtu/hr) This column represents the steam thermal demand of the site. At least one thermal heating technology ( CHP or Boiler) must be active if this column appears in the Input Timeseries File.

Site Hot Water Thermal Load

Column Header Description
Site Hot Water Thermal Load (MMBtu/hr) This column represents the steam thermal demand of the site. At least one thermal heating technology ( CHP or Boiler) must be active if this column appears in the Input Timeseries File.

Site Cooling Thermal Load

Column Header Description
Site Cooling Thermal Load (MMBtu/hr) This column represents the steam thermal demand of the site. A cooling technology ( Chiller) must be active if this column appears in the Input Timeseries File.